If you only knew what it's like in my world...

I have been asked what it's like to live in my world at times...I'm not quite sure why, but now I guess you can know. FYI - my world consists of Jason, my darling husband, Lucas, the apple of my eye, Jader the wonder-dog and various other characters that make my world worth living in...

Friday, December 22, 2006

Are my nieces not completely beautiful? There's on missing here. Jordyn's 13 and gorgeous. These 3 tykes are Ava, Seville and Olivia.

I found this sitting perfectly in place of the phone one day. What is he trying to tell me?

So which was Lucas for Halloween you ask? He was Fred Flintstone. Pretty cute huh? The Captain was just playing one day. I think we are going to get Jason a Gilligan hat too.

Christmas Parties

Who's your momma?
Noah, Olivia, and Seville
We have so much fun together!
We had a Christmas party recently and it was a lot of fun. Here are all of the kids that were here and a few of the adults. We got the kids to stop playing hide 'n go seek for a minute to watch a movie. The adults played poker with Grandma Narney asking one of her fellow players, after winning a hand, "Who's your momma?" Good times were had by all.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

No shows for Trick or Treat?

So, we were all ready for trick or treat tonight. We put Luke in his costume to show grandma and bubka, but when 5:00 rolled around...no kids. We thought, well maybe it will be a little later, let the kids around the corner get candy from their neighboring houses. 5:15...no kids. 5:30...no kids. 6:00...no kids! At this point we are looking up and down the street to see if anyone else had their lights on...NO! Jason went to the nearest side street to see if anyone was trick or treating there...NO! Now, we got a little slip of paper, twice, that said that T o T was supposed to be on Oct. 29 from 5:00 to 7:00. Where were the kids? I don't know, but I sure hope they show up on Tuesday or I'm gonna be really fat from the 6 bags of candy that I bought. Oh, and I didn't get a picture of Lucas in his costume, he wouldn't stand still long enough.

I can't post without adding pictures. Here are some recent ones!

It's trick or treat today. It should be a lot of fun. Lucas is going as Fred Flintstone. I will show pictures once he gets home from Nan and Pop's. Nothing else is really new. My job is going well. I just have to figure out the correct way to make sure that I can get days off. I was planning a weekend in Georgia with Marco next weekend and I have to work because someone didn't get my request to have that weekend off. It kinda sucks. Oh well. I didn't get tickets in time either so it would have been a little expensive to fly anyway. I made Ava a costume too though. She was going to be Wilma Flintstone. It would have been so cute! She was a chicken for her daycare Halloween party though. Marco said she was really cute! I just wish that I could see her. They are coming home for Thanksgiving so I will get to then.

Monday, October 09, 2006

So, this is my new hat. I made these cakes! Pretty cool huh? The one of the tiki dude was for our friend's son Cade's birthday and the Superman cakes were for Luke's birthday. The little one is the one he tore into. Anyway, I just thought I'd put them out here. All free handed in icing. I kind of like this whole baking thing. It's kinda fun! OOOh! and I found a recipe for bakery icing (my favorite!) so I don't have to buy it for $5.00 a pint at the store!

Lucas and his cousin Ava before her baptism
Jason found Lucas chilling out in this box one night. He was just watching TV. What a weird kid.

We just got back from Notre Dame yesterday. We had a great time! Lucas had fun playing with a football all weekend. I think it's his favorite toy right now. He threw a huge fit when I tried to make him leave it outside last night. I gave in...he got the football. I guess there are worse things to give in to. I got a job! I'm working at Jo-Ann Fabrics in the Home Decor department starting on Wednesday. It's was the quickest interview and hiring that I think I've ever been to. I was hired within 10 minutes of being there...not bad! They just couldn't resist, ya know? (hee, hee!) Anyway, things are good here! Enjoy the pictures!

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

My friend Jill came down last night. She lives in Toledo. We had a lot of fun. She got to see Luke for the first time since January, and she was pretty surprised at how big he got since then.
I just took Luke to the doctor today, he has a weird rash. Luckily it's just a viral rash and should clear up on it's own. Our doctor is so great, I feel so comfortable around him.
We leave for Las Vegas on Wednesday. Lucas is staying home. It's going to be a lot of fun. I'm really looking forward to a little vacation. We are going with some friend's of ours so that will make it fun too. We will get to see Jason's brother and our nephew's when we are there too. I can't wait to see them, it's been awhile. Wish us luck at the slots! Viva Las Vegas!

Monday, September 11, 2006

This is Lucas at his first birthday party. He had a Superman birthday party, so the cape was very appropriate.
Aah, the cake scene. He was actually pretty tame when it came to this. I made a Superman cake and it turned out awsome. I didn't take a digital picture of it though...wait, I do have one somewhere, I'll have to find it.
Lucas and his best bud Jader. They have so much fun together, especially when Lucas wants a kiss and Jader is happy to oblige. Goofballs!

Monday, July 31, 2006

I know it's been awhile.

Lucas pulled down the bag of cheerios and opened it by himself. He was so proud to get his snack all by himself!

Sorry it's been awhile. We've been all over lately. We just got back from Indianapolis for a couple of weeks. That was fun! We got to hang out with Uncle Lee and Aunt Martha for a couple days (and Kim & Nikki too!). We are getting ready for Lucas to turn 1. Man, it doesn't seem like it's been that long. He's walking all over the place. That's a lot of fun. We just finished our backyard up. It's nice to acutally look back there and feel like it's finished, and not all torn up. Someday everyone will get to see it. Anyway, not too much else is going on. I've been mystery shopping a lot and Jae's just been back and forth to Indy every week. Enjoy the pictures!

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

More crochet

I made this for my neice Ava (who will be born next week...yeah!) Pretty cool huh? No pattern, this is just me playing and crocheting a quilt. Just thought I'd show ya!

Baby Food...Not so much anymore

Last week Lucas decided that he was over baby food. He spit his peas out at me and didn't really want me to feed him anything else. I figured, fine, I'll give you regular food then...if that's what you want! This is the first attempt at Ramen noodles. You can catch a glimpse of the dogs fur in the bottom right corner. They love when Lucas eats. I think they enjoy it more than he does at times...probably because Lucas has figured out that they will eat if he just holds the food over the side of the high chair. What a kid.